I have recently rekindled my love for Polyvore, which is a website that you can create outfits and interior design boards that feature your favourite things! I have been designing outfit after outfit in my spare time, as I find it so enjoyable to put together different clothes and create different styles :)
Here are a few examples of the outfits I've created so far! If you want to follow me on Polyvore to see more outfits and inspo things, my user is hattiee-ameliaa! Hope you enjoy this post, will be able to blog a lot more when I've finished college in 2 weeks so keep checking back :)
Have a fab day, lots of love xxxx
p.s. if you want to find out the details about all the outfits listed below and where to buy them from, check out my Polyvore page as it tells you all on there! :)
hey girl, i am elina, im french and i love ur blog literally xoxo <3